Our company

Since its establishment in 1991 the engineering company J.P.M. INTERNATIONAL has been providing its clients with professional support in the management of investment projects both of industrial and civil nature, from the stage of preparation of events through the designing and procurement stage until the construction and commissioning.

J.P.M. INTERNATIONAL works mainly for investors and owners by rendering them with complete multidiscipline engineering, management and consultancy services both in new constructions and reconstruction of chemical and engineering plants, power stations, heating plants, electric plants and grids and civil facilities. The activities of J.P.M. INTERNATIONAL cover technical and legal aspects as well as the matters of international trade in investment projects and the relating services.
J.P.M. INTERNATIONAL employs highly qualified specialists who gained their experience in the construction of a number of unique technology units in the Czech Republic as well as abroad.

J.P.M. INTERNATIONAL helps its clients to carry out their investment plans under the optimum conditions, starting from the preparation of a feasibility study and business plan, assistance in the choice of technology, finding a method of the project assurance and determining a suitable type of the bidding procedure, through the proposing of the most appropriate contractual terms, until the support in assuring the finances. J.P.M. INTERNATIONAL is largely experienced in the preparation of bidding documents and managing the bidding procedure. Among others the clients of J.P.M. INTERNATIONAL include also customers with public procurement projects whose bidding procedures are regulated by the Public Procurement Act.

The procedures used by J.P.M. INTERNATIONAL contribute to the creation of a competitive environment and achieving favourable price and other conditions. In the construction stage J.P.M. INTERNATIONAL usually sets up its site team in order to manage the construction on behalf of the investor, conduct inspections, opposition and approval of designs,timetables, invoices, quality assurance and control plans, building-technical supervision, regular examinations of quality and acceptability of the work. In the past J.P.M. INTERNATIONAL successfully passed through the inspection by the World Bank focused on the area of qualifications and ethics and was invited to take part in projects financed by the World Bank both in the Czech Republic and abroad. This cooperation covered investment projects with a value exceeding CZK 5 billion. J.P.M. INTERNATIONAL knows the procedures, forms of documents and directives of the World Bank and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and can meet the requirements of its clients also in this respect.

The clients of J.P.M. INTERNATIONAL include not only companies without their own investment specialists but also renowned and experienced investors. J.P.M. INTERNATIONAL was used for the fulfilment of their investment plans by such major and renowned Czech companies as PKN ORLEN, UNIPETROL, AGROFERT, DUSLO, ČEZ, ČEPS,CHEMOPETROL, Teplárny Karviná, BENZINA, SPOLANA.

In recent years J.P.M. INTERNATIONAL provided its services to investors in the area of management of investment projects of a value exceeding CZK 50 billion. These were to a large extent unique technologies at the top world level.