
The clients of J.P.M. INTERNATIONAL include not only companies without their own investment specialists but also renowned and experienced investors. J.P.M. INTERNATIONAL was used for the fulfilment of their investment plans by such major and renowned Czech companies as ČEZ; ČEPS; CHEMOPETROL; Teplárny Karviná; BENZINA; SPOLANA.

The electric company ČEZ used the services of J.P.M. INTERNATIONAL for the implementation of a unique programme of desulphurization of coal power stations with the capacity of 4,700 MW.

The petrochemical company CHEMOPETROL Litvínov confided J.P.M. INTERNATIONAL with the involvement in its structural programme of development of petrochemical production units (reconstruction of an ethylene unit, construction of units for the production of polyethylene and polypropylene and extension and modernization of storage capacities).  

The clients of J.P.M. INTERNATIONAL also include customers with public procurement projects whose bidding procedures are regulated by the Public Procurement Act No. 199/1994 Coll.

In recent years J.P.M. INTERNATIONAL provided its services to investors in the area of management of investment projects of a value exceeding CZK 50 billion. These were to a large extent unique technologies at the top world level.